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The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Good Morning Dance Family,

I pray you have all enjoyed and participated in some way in the Queens Platinum celebration, giving God thanks for her life of service to this country. I am encouraged to know she is a woman of faith.

However, we cannot overlook the fact that today is Pentecost Sunday. Unfortunately, we have not been able to celebrate ‘The Gift of the Holy Spirit’ in our local park as suggested in one of our planning meetings, but we can still make time to reflect on the significance of this day in our quiet time. You can read a devotional prepared by Lorraine Williams on the ‘The Purpose of Pentecost’ here.

I have also attached the link of a very dated video recording of ‘Pilgrim Sacred Dancers’ and Pilgrim Praise Dancers ministering on 15th March 2008 at Sandfield Theatre. This also included our founding member sister Yvette Taylor who went home to glory on 22nd April 2022.

Pentecost is all about the birth of the early church. I am sharing this video with the consent of Yvette’s mother as a thanksgiving recording to God and a tribute in memory of our dear departed sister in Christ. We have come a long way since then and learnt so much ( i.e. too much hip movement at times!) .We have also developed some wonderful relationship with families all over the country and various parts of the world. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Let’s continue to give thanks to God for ‘The Gift of the Holy Spirit’


Dawn Benjamin

NLDNUK Director

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