Our History
The formation the NLDNUK began with The Pilgrim Sacred Dancers, but was originally inspired by the National Liturgical Dance Network Global (NLDN) founded by Reverend Eyesha Marable in 1998. Monica Reager is the current Global Director of the organisation which trains, supports and unifies dance ministers in 29 US states, the Caribbean islands and five other countries including the UK.
How it began in the UK
Pilgrim Sacred Dancers
The Pilgrim Sacred Dancers consists of Dawn Benjamin, Lillieth Miller, Marcia O’Connor and Sharon Harris. They are all active members of The Pilgrim Church in Nottingham where they worship and minister in various offices.
Dawn Benjamin formed the Pilgrim Sacred Dancers in 2006, after she witnessed the awesome power of Liturgical Dance as a praise and worship tool at a conference in Washington DC. After much prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit, within 3 months the Pilgrim Sacred Dancers ministered their first dance together at their local church, an experience that totally changed their lives.
At the time there was limited information on Liturgical dance readily available in the UK. However, the Lord provided the opportunity for the Pilgrim Sacred Dancers to travel extensively around the country and overseas to learn and demonstrate how dance can be used as an integral part of worship.
After two years ministering with The Pilgrim Sacred Dancers, Dawn was called to lead a Liturgical dance ministry outside of her local church. She was obedient to her call, despite facing many challenges. However, with the support of the dancers, she persevered and soon witnessed the ministry flourish extensively across the country.
In 2008 Lillieth and Dawn attended the Greater Allen Cathedral Worship in the Arts Conference and became members of The National Liturgical Dance Network (NLDN). The following year NLDNUK was established, after Rev Eyesha Marable (NLDN Founder) visited the UK with her team and formally installed The Pilgrim Sacred Dancers as its UK Leaders. This took place at NLDNUK’s first international conference ‘The Restoration of Dance for His Purpose’ on 4th July 2009.
Under the umbrella of NLDNUK the Lord has established dance teams across the country, from various church denominations, to serve others by supporting and connecting worshippers around the UK and overseas. They assist with practices, training, workshops, seminars and hosting Praise and Worship events in dance. These teams have helped to demonstrate how dance can be used as an effective tool for evangelism. We believe the work of the sacred dancers, over the years, in steering the NLDNUK, have helped to unify worshippers, connecting with other dance organisations, to promote dance and helping to restoring it into God’s house as an integral part of worship.